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Practical Sales Training™ - Sales Emails for beginners
How to navigate this course
Why email is so crucial to your sales efforts (1:36)
What you will learn
The Basics
EKB1 - The importance of having an effective Email address & display name (7:44)
EKB2 - Your secret weapon: autoresponders & out of office (6:23)
EKB3 - Why people open emails from people and what to do about it. (3:57)
EKB4 - Make EVERY email sell by crafting a high converting Email signature (12:11)
How to get noticed in the inbox
EKN1 - What is preview text and how can it help you get noticed? (6:40)
EKN2 - The magic of unusual characters & spacing
EKN3 - Double your chances of being noticed (1:46)
EKN4 - Create an attachment (1:55)
EKN5 - Stand out by using qualifying text (you need this!) (2:53)
EKN6 - Partial CAPS will make the difference (1:48)
EKN7 - Don't forget to be alternative (2:46)
How to get your messages opened
EKO1 - The psychological power of Information Gaps (4:51)
EKO3 - Ask them this "magic question" (2:38)
EKO4 - Use first person questioning to build rapport (2:39)
How to reignite old conversations
EKOC1 - Did you get this? (1:56)
EKOC2 - The rhetorical holiday email (2:59)
EKOC3 - Call them out (1:59)
EKOC4 - Notification of enquiry closure (2:35)
How to get your messages read
EKR1 - A simple and effective technique to get your message read EVERY time. (4:19)
EKR2 - The top line effects your bottom line (2:16)
EKR3 - Want to stand out? be BOLD (2:25)
EKR4 - You only need Five Sentences
EKR5 - The secret art of clustering
EKR6 - Maximise engagement with Question Stacking
EKR7 - Send staggering emails
How to get your message replied to / acted upon
EKRP1 - Get clients to respond by giving them less choice. (3:16)
EKRP2 - Calls to action aren't just for websites. (4:17)
EKRP3 - Harnessing time limits and scarcity for everyday email (5:01)
EKRP4 - Using Action based titles (2:49)
EKRP5 - Push your reader's buttons, so they push yours (3:34)
EKRP6 - Avoiding The Bystander Effect to drive engagement
EKRP7 - See Attached (3:15)
EKRP8 - Remember... (2:53)
EKRP9 - 1...2...3.... REPLY! (2:57)
How to write a sales email
EKSE2 - How to open a sales email and what to focus on (7:27)
EKSE3 - Effective and C.L.E.A.R email sales copy.
EKSE4 - How to get the perfect body (8:27)
EKSE5 - The perfect close to any sales email (7:28)
EKSE6 - P.S Don't forget to do this! (4:54)
Email templates
EKET2 - Principle based structures
Common mistakes to avoid
EKCM1 - Common mistakes to avoid
Before you hit send
EKBS1 - The best time to send your email (1:24)
EKBS2 - Checklist -the 4 things to check before you send ANY email (2:27)
Upgrade to the Practical Sales Training™ Bundle
Upgrade to the bundle for a discounted price. (5:02)
Want some 1:1 help?
Book a 30 min troubleshooter call with James here. (0:41)
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PIRACY WARNING - Copyright Notice
Teach online with
EKB2 - Your secret weapon: autoresponders & out of office
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